Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Potomac Fiberarts Gallery Holiday Show

Notice: I am a member of the Potomac Fiberarts Guild in The Washington DC area. We have a coop gallery in the Torpedo Factory at 105 N. Union Street, Alexandria, VA. The gallery has a blog and I am the designated blogger for the month of November. To view my blogs this month please go to the Gallery blog. I have posted a discussion of peyote stitched beadwork and will begin one on brick stitch later this week. In December, I will return to blog here as I pass the gallery baton on to another blogger member. The Potomac Fiberarts Gallery has just installed their Holiday Treasures Show that will run through the end of the year. Please visit if you can. I also have work in the Somethings Looming Gallery in Reading, PA, The Hanover Area Art Guild, Hanover, PA (where I won a second place award for 3-D work for my Clubbing the Night Away-6 of clubs beadwork piece) as well as participation in two studio tours: The Carroll County Studio Tour Dec 4-5 and The Countryside Artisans' Studio Tour Dec 3-5 and 10-12. Thanks, Joanne

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