Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Necklace: Old and New

Artbeads has provided me with a challenge to create something using old and new elements. I have chosen antique brass flowers from their website.

I could not tell till I received the actual flowers how they would coordinate together. After receiving the elements, I have decided to divide the pieces and make 2 necklaces as the upper filigree flower has a completely different feel to it. The new elements I will choose are glass seed beads in sizes 8 and 11 as well as a variety of multicolor resin beads.

I plan to set the flowers asymmetrically within strands of the glass and resin beads.
I do not want the flowers to flop over onto their reverse sides, so I start by brick stitching small circles on which to attach the flowers, adding loops for the strands at appropriate places along the edges.

That's as far as I got tonight. I am hoping that these bases in brick stitch will,keep the flowers right side up. Joanne

Disclosure: The antique metal flower elements were kindly provided free-of-charge by Artbeads.com, within the frames of Artbeads.com blogging program. The author of this blog has not received any payment from above-mentioned company. The post above represents only personal opinion of the blog author.

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