Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I've just had a vacation break cruising down the Saone and Rhone from Lyon to Avignon. Lots of rain but it didn't stop me from getting lots of good photos for future projects. However, time to get back to work on Mr. Disco. I usually start a figure somewhere in the center. Here I chose the lapel line. I do the first bead ladder only an inch or two at a time, shape it by adding a second row, then continue. If the original bead ladder is too long, it becomes difficult to properly shape it. I then decided to start a second piece working form the second lapel. I repeated the blue on blue striping of the Swing dancer's bodice in the leisure suit vest of the Disco dancer and joined the 2 pieces.

Arms and jacket were executed in a manner similar to that described for the Swing Dancers. I decided to start the hair as a bead ladder circle and add other circles of beads to provide a more hairlike texture. I am using #8 Fireline for my thread. It comes in crystal (white) and smoke (black). I do switch thread color--using the crystal for light beads and smoke for dark beads. Again, I find it easier to establish the outer edges of the figure and then fill in the center. I am constantly measuring the growing figure against the photo collage for shape, size and direction of lines. I do this as often as every bead and if a bead doesn't fit, I remove it before going on. It is very easy to get off pattern without this constant checking.

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